I’ve been slowly reading Jen Sincero’s “You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living An Awesome Life”. As I was reading this book, I was highlighted parts that resonated with me. Here are a few of my favorite quotes.
Because if you base your self-worth on what everyone else thinks of you, you hand all your power over to other people and become dependent on a source outside of yourself for validation.
I am slowly learning coming into this discovery on my own. No one can dictate my life and determine what is best for me besides me. I also am learning not to seek validation from others. Who really cares what others think?! The quote below follows this same idea.
Do not deny yourself the life you want to live because you’re worried you’re not good enough or that you’ll be judged or that it’s too risky, because who does that benefit? No one, that’s who.
The above quote below follows this same theme as the previous point.
Most of the time it’s not the lack of experience that’s holding us back, but rather the lack of determination to do what we need to do to be successful.
I can absolutely confess that I am a lazy piece of shit. I hate doing everything, especially if it takes effort. I am working on being more explorative and trying new things.
Life is but a dream. Don’t turn it into a nightmare.
There is no reason for me to do anything that I absolutely hate. I am working to cut out all things that do not make me happy or give me any kind of satisfaction. I want the life I know I deserve, not a life that I am forced to live just to get by.
If you want something badly enough and decide that you will get it, you will.
I have such an entrepreneurial spirit that I often start an idea and never see it through, and I must say I have some great ideas. It is definitely hard to push through when you do not see that light at the end of the tunnel. I am working on my stamina and tenacity when beginning a project, assignment, goal, task, and seeing it all the way through.
Be your best, do your best, demand your best, expect your best, receive the best, and put your best out into the world so everyone can receive your best, too.
As I get older, I see it is not cute to be a true Negative Nancy. Now don’t get me wrong, I love saying I hate doing this, hate doing that, but I am trying to not be closed off to exploring or experiencing new things. This is my obstacle in order for me to be my best. Mindset is truly everything and when I get over this challenge, you hoes better watch out!
If you’re going to push through major obstacles to reach your goal, you can’t just want to want to; you need to be in a full-on tizzy of excitement about what it is you’re going after and hold on to it like a pit bull.
There are so many goals on my list but there are none that I am extremely giddy about. I think I am still on a journey of finding my true passion.
Final Thoughts on this book
Jen Sincero’s book definitely is enlightening and has helped to reset my mindset and outlook on life. Her delivery feels as if I am talking to an old friend that is giving me the honest truth. I whole-heartedly agree that mindset is key when pursuing goals. I am actively on this journey to be better and put forth my best self. I am working on developing my mantras and affirmations so that I can ensure that I live my most awesome life!
You can purchase the book here or click the image below.