There is nothing like a good, well-made handbag. Designer bags have a hefty price tag but they also last a really long time, so I like to think of it as an investment. While I already have some of my favorites, here is a list of some of the bags that I want to desperately add to my collection.
Louis Vuitton Monogramouflage Speedy 35
My most desired, but least likely to happen due to it no longer being in production, is the Louis Vuitton Monogramouflage Speedy 35. I have loved this bag since I first laid eyes on it many years ago. I love camouflage so it is only right. The Speedy is a classic silhouette that goes well with just about any outfit. Due to the exclusivity of this bag, it is up for resale for nearly $7,000. I have told myself, when I get super established, whether that is next year or in ten years, I will treat myself to this bag because I love it that much!
Dior Oblique Saddle Bag
As of late, Dior has made a resurgence that I am completely here for. When I was in middle school, I had my first glimpse of Dior and was hooked on the saddle bag. It is a pairing of nostalgia and class that has landed the Dior Oblique Saddle bag on my Designer Bag Wishlist. This bag retails for $2,950.
Boy Chanel Handbag
The Boy Chanel Handbag is one the most classy and timeless bags with a modern twist. I absolutely love the hardware detailing. I have had my eye on this bag FOREVER and one day she will be mine! I’ll be down $5,000 when that day comes.
Saint Laurent SAC DE JOUR
To me, the Saint Laurent SAC DE JOUR bag screams BOSS ASS BITCH! I love the sleek, minimal design. I also like this bag in all sizes. So when the time comes, I may get the nano or I may get the large. It all depends on my preference at the time. The day that I add this bag to the collection, just know I made it!
Goyard St. Louis GM Tote
I can’t wait to vacation in the South of France with my Goyard St. Louis GM Tote that will have a bottle of tequila and my favorite book inside. This bag to me just screams vacation. I particularly want my bag monogrammed with my initials on it. My goal is to get this bag by the end of the year, or beginning of next year, as a birthday gift to myself and to replace my beloved Louis Vuitton Neverfull. This bag retails around $2,000 plus whatever additional fees for personalization.
This list is truly my dream list. I was once told, “confession is possession”. While that was not in reference to material things, I am confessing that I will one day possess the things that make me the most happy which include these bags plus many more.