If your sister was to kill one man, would you help her get rid of the body? If your sister is now on her third man killed and calling you to help, are you still helping her?
In “My Sister The Serial Killer”, Korede is the older sister that is constantly helping the prettier, most liked sister, Ayoola, narrowly escape criminal charges after a third boyfriend is found dead.
This is a very quick read so there will be no spoilers! What is the most apparent is that Korede enables the behaviors of her sister by constantly looking out for her. The book definitely is toying with the idea that “blood is thicker than water” and you should look out for your family at all costs. But when do you draw the line? At this point, you will also go to jail.
Being an only child I wondered who I would call if I needed to cover up a murder. It would for sure be my best friends, Alex and Talesse. Alex is the muscle and Talesse is the brains. They would for sure both know how to get it done. I do wonder would they let me keep calling them if three boyfriends in a row ended up dead 🤔