Another year is coming to a close. While I am eager and ready to start the new year on the right foot, I have to reflect and show gratitude to all that 2019 brought me. I did great things this year and will go into next year with an even better mindset and attitude to ensure I have a great 2020!

Truly, every year starts off great for me because my birthday is within the first week. I used to hate celebrating my birthday but after realizing the effect celebrating my birthday had on beginning the year. I now am more sold on the idea of doing something. I am grateful that I had friends willing to hang with me for three days straight of just eating. We went to Javier’s, Crustaceans, The Ivy, and Ocean Prime. I was able to get dressed up and eat good — two of my favorite things. I am also grateful that I am able to eat good. Many people in this world can’t even step foot in many of the restaurants.

In 2019, I took some rather cool vacations. I started the year in Vegas (which is always a good time, even if I am chilling). I was able to experience Tulum, Toronto, Cuba, New York (twice), Arizona, San Diego with a day trip to Ensenada, and Seattle. I love to travel. I am able to expand my experiences and interact with different people. I am so ready to fulfill my travel goal of a trip every month in 2020.

December 16, 2018 I fulfilled a dream of being a woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. So this past year, I was able to enjoy all that came with being an Alpha woman. I was able to go to a lot of outings and events, but the most rewarding was the various acts of service. While helping at the Los Angeles mission, a lovely man took time out to show me how to make quick meals because everyone knows I hate cooking and need to start. My sorority sisters have truly come through and been there for me this year, particularly during times when I just want to have a cocktail. I’m looking forward to what AKA will offer me in 2020.
I am grateful that I am employed. I get paid to do something that I actually love doing. I am grateful that my job allows me to pay for my other dreams outside of the classroom. In 2020, I envision that my job will take me to new heights, financially and professionally.
My greatest accomplishment this year, for sure, was advancing to candidacy in my doctoral program. My journey to PhD has not been easy at all. I have had my ups and downs but doctoral candidacy means that I am more than halfway there. I will be finished in 2020.
It is easy to highlight and settle on the worst things that happen. However, there is more power in acknowledging and celebrating the great things that happen that we are grateful for. What are some things that you are grateful for this year? What are you looking forward to in the new year?